They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. After years of yelling at ads, moaning to our poor partners and tearing hair out, we decided enough was enough - someone had to do something to breathe new life into the stifling market sameness turning off clued-in consumers. Inkling has flipped the brand agency world on its head, inventing an entirely new approach that gives organisations a clear road away from me-too marketing to help you fulfil your true potential as a high performing organisation.
Success Based Thinking (SBT) is where braver, bolder brands are made. Inkling’s game-changing brand development approach is beautiful in its simplicity, fusing brand identity, business strategy and human science to help your business rise above market sameness. It’s a direct response to a modern-day truth – today’s customers, clients and employees reward organisations who invest in understanding them. SBT uncovers what makes your business a better fit, and uses it to build loyalty, advocacy, engagement, commitment and purchasing intent. By favourably influencing what people think about your brand identity, we’re in effect making your competitors irrelevant. Control the conversation, bend the market to your will. It’s a totally new approach – no one else thinks like Inkling’s brand agency. The insights gained in our first strategy workshops guide the rest of our work.

Your ‘brand’ is the promise you make in the market about what people can expect to experience when they choose you. This is what they think of every time they see your ad on a billboard, your logo on a shirt, your listing on Google. It guides what you think, believe, value, like, loathe, and behave, seeking common ground with like-minded people. It’s your people, your purpose, your everything. Inkling’s brand development uncovers your competitive advantage through a process of distilling information to your Central Organising Thought, giving you the clarity to help people understand how their lives are better with you in it.

Is your brand identity blending into the wallpaper amidst the white noise of en masse market chatter? Time to change the conversation. Inkling’s brand agency experts can help you redefine buyer criteria by tapping into what’s really important. By pinpointing the critical success factors in your organisation, we can inject your external and internal comms with IP based knowledge that addresses consumer pain points, confronts price-based objections, and highlights the reasons why working with (or for) your organisation is a more rewarding experience.

A high performing organisation does not simply happen – it’s a conscious creation. You need to dedicate your time and energy to understanding exactly what peak performance looks like in your sector, and how your business meets those needs. Then, use that IP to influence everything from your organisation culture, to your brand identity, and the ways you communicate and interact with the market. This is how you rise above the businesses you are trying to outcompete and reshape the market to your advantage.

You know that slightly terrifying moment when you suddenly become aware you’ve been driving on autopilot for the last five minutes? That’s your subconscious taking over – and it’s a big reason why people hold deep-seated beliefs about brands and categories, without truly knowing why. At Inkling, we can help you dig deep beneath the rational mind to unearth all those beliefs that guide behaviour, and use them to positively shape perceptions that deliver your brand big benefits.

Successful brands identify what success looks like and walk towards it. As an innovative brand agency, Inkling digs deep to unearth your organisation’s ‘Critical Success Factors’ - the things that create successful outcomes for your customers and employees. Memorise them, live them, breathe them, write them on your sweaty hands if you have to. These rich, incisive insights will energise your team, sharpen your sales efforts, and leave your industry peers in your wake.

When people like you, they buy from you. To achieve this level of social status, you need your brand identity to generate the kind of gravity that drags them into your orbit for good. Supercharge your market connections by demonstrating what you have in common with your targets to create an affinity so strong you’ll increase brand loyalty and buy in, leaving potential customers and employees in no doubt as to why you are a better choice and fit.

The USP is on life support. Doomed for the dustbin. Utterly untenable. The more progressive organisations now realise that in today’s age of hyper competition, finding a tangible point of difference is not only rare, your customers and employees straight out don’t care. They just want to see themselves in you. If you are serious about driving employee engagement, customer purchase intent, and sales experience, you need a brand agency that helps you discover what makes you better in the eyes of those who matter most, and double down on that.

Data data data. Don’t get us wrong - we love information. It’s how we find out what makes your organisation tick and your messages stick. But when we present it to your employees and customers, it never works alone (unless you want them to make comparisons and draw conclusions that you may have never intended). Winning hearts and minds is a two-punch strategy. Information gets you on the list – inspiration invites you inside, giving you a chance to light a wildfire of wonder that engages people at a deeper level, driving action, loyalty and everlasting devotion.

What is the secret to a brand identity that is noticed and accepted by new consumers and employees? How do you enter a new market without scaring people off? We all want a larger market share – so why is shouting about what makes you different till you’re blue in the face leaving you red faced? Your new brand development strategy is to look out, not in. We need to turn off the ‘threat system’ in your target’s brain that makes them label you an outgroup, and engage the ‘coalition system’ that makes them want to work with you. In other words, find out what you have in common with your customers and staff, then use that as a springboard to drive engagement and buy-in.

Let’s be clear. Most things are price sensitive. We are not debating or denying this. But if that’s the only weapon in your arsenal in the battle of hearts and minds, there’s a good chance you’re engaging in a race to the bottom. In the world of successful brand development, it’s critical to give people something to care about beyond price, for two big reasons. One, you help people understand why you are priced the way you are. And two, you reframe their buying criteria by shifting the conversation away from price, to value. If you can dictate the terms of engagement, you win.

If you’re struggling to unlock a sales problem, break a market deadlock, or change brand perception, chances are you’re suffering from the echo-chamber effect. An outside-in perspective creates the space for other points of view that may open your eyes to new ways to look at old challenges. Whether through market research, customer research or employee satisfaction surveys, using the fresh information will help you strengthen your brand identity, enrich business decisions, improve communications, justify the courage to take a leap, and drive the organisation forward – you may be surprised to discover it’s the little things you once thought insignificant that hold the key.

Notice how modern brands don’t feel like they are selling you something? They are masters in the art of conversation and social interaction. They know that to slip past your defences, they need to first connect on a human level. The strategy is simple – put a compelling idea forward, and back it up by evidence. Your brand development strategy should be to explore multiple topics, ideas and content that strike a chord, then look for evidence to build belief. That’s what’s interesting – and that’s how arguments are won.
We are a brand agency at heart. All this theory and complicated thinking has a clarity of purpose – to strengthen your brand identity, and de-risk your marketing efforts. Inkling’s game-changing process helps you take action, giving you the confidence to make the decisions that make a meaningful difference to your organisation.

Prove you’re a high-performance organisation that knows its employees inside out. Inkling’s brand agency insights lay the foundation to develop a compelling Employee Value Proposition that brings together all the rational reasons why someone should work for you, and show how you add to their lives in ways beyond the obvious.

Create clear air in your sector by using what makes you better as a reason to choose you. Our process extracts the competitive advantage and injects the intel into your outward facing communications efforts to invite new clients to experience your brand identity and invest their time and energy in what you have to offer.

Deliver a sales experience that catapults your brand identity above your competitors. By investing time and effort into understanding what people want at each stage of their journey, you inject factors critical to client success into your sales documentation, showing them your business, product or service delivers on your promise.
A successful organisation is built on high performance. Reach out to Inkling to find the right strategy to get you there.