Corporate Communications
At the crux of it, your corporate comms has one simple goal – influence a favourable perception of your organisation from the inside out. Are you fully taking advantage of this opportunity? With the right brand strategy behind you, your corporate comms allow you to actively shape the market by consistently (and intelligently) reminding people of people why you are a better fit. You are broadening the conversation to bend the narrative to your will, strengthening your brand with equity and credibility.
Inkling’s Success Based approach to corporate communications delves deep into the Critical Success Factors that are crucial to peak performance and service delivery. It starts by asking the right questions. What is the problem you solve, beyond what you do? What is the one thing that if people knew, would benefit them the most? The powerful insights that bubble to the surface can be injected into your corporate comms to provide genuine cut-through that helps stakeholders see you as real, intelligent and in touch with their needs.
You only get out what you put in. Inkling’s suite of services are designed to ensure you invest the right amount of energy to make your corporate comms succeed.

When it comes to Media Releases, the stakes are high. Successful take-up directly linked to the calibre of thinking invested – a market-worthy release is worthless without mining the right information to turn good into great. Inkling’s Media Releases explore 2nd and 3rd order consequences to deliver more engaging content that pricks ears and compels action.

If your bio is simply a list of accomplishments, you’re missing an opportunity to demonstrate the most important part – that you’re the right fit. Inkling bios pinpoint the key character strengths, attributes and motivations behind the high-performance credentials. The result is a bio rich in unique evidence of success that gives the reader confidence in compatibility.

When communicating information of high value, nothing should be left to chance. Inkling rides side saddle with you, delving deep into your organisation to tease out current and future practises that demonstrate commitment and enact change. We can write your RAP with you, or simply give your document the respect it deserves with intuitive art direction and design.

There’s no document where the stakes are so high as an ASX listing Prospectus. Future capital is on the line – and how you communicate user benefits can make or break of your efforts. Engaging Inkling will inject a fresh, outside-in perspective that constructs a clear, persuasive vision of your company’s plans for maximum appeal and up-take.

It’s Annual Report season, your chance to inspire readers about your success. So, if your document is nothing more than a list of significant events and organisational changes, you’re squandering an invaluable opportunity. Let Inkling work with key stakeholders in your organisation to tease out the insights that help you write an annual report that gets readers fired up.

The bare minimum a tender document cover is what you do, and evidence of previous success. Inkling tender documents go next level, intelligently weaving in the IP gathered from our Success Based Thinking work to ensure your organisation both ticks all the technical boxes and furnishes the reader’s mind with the true value you offer.
Have you ever stopped to wonder why corporations speak like they do? Not just your organisation – all organisations. It’s a phenomenon dubbed ‘corporatespeak’, and you can identify it by the level of physical pain it inflicts on the brain. The strange thing is, you’re probably not even aware you’ve learnt the language until one day you look at an ASX doc or Annual Report and realise it’s an indistinguishable patchwork quilt of jargon like ‘operationalize’ and ‘bandwidth’. Meanwhile, everyone in your organisation mysteriously nods their heads like they understand what’s being said while secretly convinced they’re the only ones that have no idea what’s going on.
At Inkling we call it Me2 talk, because not only is it warping and impeding good communication with the people you seek to influence, it’s rending you a corporate clone that thinks and acts just like everyone else. Which is too bad, because in today’s hyper-competitive markets, your business needs a distinct brand identity to succeed. It’s within your power – you just need the right thinking direction. Our work actively shapes what people think of you by bringing critical factors to the fore that can be shaped into powerful comms that build loyalty in consumers, confidence in investors, and belief in employees.

Strong, clear, compelling corporate communications starts with Inkling. Break the mould and find your identity today.